IGF 2014 has ended
Monday, September 1 • 2:00pm - 3:30pm
A safe, secure, sustainable Internet and the role of stakeholders

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The prevailing myth that the Internet is akin to the “Wild West”, unruly and unmanageable, and that this is somehow a virtue, is outdated, at odds with the objective of creating a ubiquitous and trusted environment which everybody can use with confidence. We all want the online world to be safe just as we do the offline.

The needs and interests of a range of vulnerable groups, perhaps particularly our children, are of major concern in this context but in truth this matters to all of us both as citizens and consumers. To date, too often anyone who proposes new approaches to addressing risks and challenges on the Internet is tagged with the unjustified moniker of “censor” or as someone who wants to hamper or restrict innovation. Freedom of expression, the rule of law, and rational approaches to promote a safe, secure and sustainable Internet are mutually reinforcing, and as time moves on they have to be reconciled.

This session will discuss these challenges and look at how all stakeholders, including Internet intermediaries, have a role to play in addressing them while advancing trust in the Internet so that it can continue to flourish. Among other things specifically the meeting will address:

1. Personal data theft 

2. The consumer harm associated with counterfeit and pirate sites

3. The distribution of child abuse images online


John Carr

John Carr is one of the world’s leading authorities on children's and young people’s use of the internet and associated new technologies. He is the Senior Technical Adviser to ECPAT International.John is or has been a Senior Expert Adviser to the United Nations (International... Read More →

Eric Jardine

Research Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
I am currently researching the usage of the Tor network for political purposes and the relationship between the spread of the Internet and democratic governance.

Ted Shapiro

Director, Incopro

Shane Tews

Chief Policy Officer, 463 Communications and Visiting Fellow, Center for Internet, Communications and Technology Policy

Monday September 1, 2014 2:00pm - 3:30pm EEST
Workshop Room 07 (Rumeli Terrace / Halic)

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